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What is a 6/6 Manifesting Projectorator? - Human Design AF

Writer's picture: Micah JacobsMicah Jacobs

Someone recently asked me a great question: "What's a Manifesting Projectorator? I've never heard of that type before."

The joke is that growing up conditioned in groups, a projector is forced via Penta and Wa to operate as a Manifestor and/or a Generator so-to-speak. It's a cheeky thing I say because MP is short for Mental Projector. I have all centers undefined (G center and Ego are open) below the Ajna. So MP stands for "Manifesting Projectorator". It's my joke as a way to poke fun at what the not-self sees me as: some superhuman combination of all types, instead of seeing that I'm here to guide people mentally. It's shining light on the fact that as individuals we are generally not treated according to our type. And the 6/6 part is a joke too. I'm 6/2. A Role Model - Hermit. So the extension of the joke is that I've been a Role Model - Role Model instead when I was generating and manifesting. So again, I'm calling the not-self silly by pointing out that I'm placed under enormous pressure to do and be all the things that I'm not instead of just being accepted, valued, and physically rewarded for my innate gifts. 6/6 is not a profile. 2 stands for Hermit. That's my nature. So I'm someone that needs a lot of time to myself physically, to be clear and to be truly me; and in the not-self world/the- at times- zombifying influence of the transiting and background frequencies, the general expectation is that I need to work for others instead of them working with my guidance... Which is what I'm designed for and what's natural. So a 6/6 is a joke classification that would be going directly against my nature. -The Autodidact, 6/6 Manifesting Projectorator



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