You're going to see more and more companies go out of business.
They don't know the mechanics of a successful group.
You're also going to hear about more and more killings due to unaware and dysfunctional family dynamics.
Get aligned to your true nature, learn about yourself, others, and how functional groups operate.
Hint: It's not money, and it's not good old fashion values and morals either.
It's more objective and precise than both of those.
This information is practical and immediately applicable for those who have eyes to see and ears to listen...
Oh, and respect for the person who can teach you these things.
Depending on your type, the recognition is dependent upon the value of energy that you bring to your guide.
The only reason someone would want to help you is if you recognize them for what they're offering you.
Don't be fooled by the notself into thinking that you don't need a guide or others just because you understand strategy and authority.
Some of us are designed to see the bigger picture.
We all need each other for different reasons.
It's not based on arbitrary sets of values and rules and pleasantries though.
It's based on logic and awareness (of both cold facts and of spirit awareness).
I'm sitting back and wondering which businesses are even worth saving. 😂
It would be nice to preserve essential businesses and mom and pop shops.
They just need the correct people in their grouping...
It's never been about the money, or the false system, or the business plan, or the procedure. Sure, those things are necessary to run a successful business, but most of that shit is illusory and arbitrary.
In other words, the mind thinks it's important, but in reality, the unique combination of human beings that form that group is much more important, objectively...
And that's not based on who you like, who you agree with, who shares your same personal values, or even- believe it or not- who you think will do the best job.
It's deeper than that.
Find out.
I'll sit back and watch in the meantime. 😉
My personal services are open to anyone who is serious about learning (whether it be for self knowledge, relationships, family dynamics, or to save your business).
I'm discerning about who I guide. It's based on my S&A, and who truly recognizes me (not people who feign recognition. There's definitely a difference).
In other words, yes, I will cost money. And I'm not cheap.
But I cannot be bought.
I don't run a business. I'm in the business of setting the world's head straight.
If my communication style is off-putting to you, or you "think" I'm arrogant, good. You're not one of my people.
The right people will see the true value here. It's worth infinitely more than your weight in gold.
Help us set the record straight as a collective, as a society.
Whether you're primarily individual, tribal, or collective by nature, there's something here for everyone.
Find out.
-The Autodidact